Giving birth is the most physically demanding thing your body will ever go through, so it’s only natural that you will be worried about it. But we put so much emphasis on preparing for the baby’s arrival and what to do afterward that we don’t spend as much time thinking about ways to prepare for the actual birth itself.
While it’s never going to be easy, there are ways that you can prepare yourself to make the birthing process more comfortable and reduce the chances of any issues along the way. These are the best ways to physically prepare your body for giving birth.
Embrace Pain And Understand Its Purpose
If you were hoping to find out about ways to have a pain-free birth, you’re going to be disappointed. Birth will always be painful and there’s no way around that, which is why you should embrace pain and understand its purpose instead of fearing it and trying to fight it. The reason that you feel pain is because your body is trying to direct attention towards what is happening, so you focus all of your energy on giving birth. When you learn to embrace that pain and accept it as an unavoidable part of giving birth, you will find it easier to endure. It is also important to know your options when it comes to pain relief to relieve any anxiety you might have.
See A Chiropractor
If your pelvis is out of line during pregnancy, it can lead to a lot of pain and discomfort, and it also makes it more difficult for the baby to find a comfortable position when you go into labor. If you see a chiropractor during your pregnancy, they can help you realign your pelvis to prevent potential birthing issues. This increases the chances of a straightforward, safe birth and it also has benefits during the pregnancy. You may experience a decrease in nausea and you won’t have as much back pain either.
Keep Your Body Fit
I’m not suggesting you take up jogging or anything, but the better in shape you are the easier you will cope with birth. If you can stay flexible and in generally good shape that is the best idea. Try yoga or Pilates, swimming, aquarobics, low impact aerobics – the list is endless really, and if you were already active before pregnancy there’s no reason to stop exercising once you’re pregnant. Check in with your instructor before any classes you take and they can make any adaptations you need, or go for pregnancy specific classes. If that doesn’t appeal, regular walking will do the job.
Get Plenty Of Rest
Everybody already knows the importance of resting after you give birth to help your body recover, but it’s equally important that you get plenty of rest beforehand. Your body is about to go through a very traumatic experience and one that can last a long time. Enduring a very long labor puts so much stress on your body and if you are not well rested beforehand, it will be much harder on you.
Practice Breathing Techniques
Breathing is very important when giving birth because it helps you manage your pain and stress levels. When we are stressed, it is our natural reaction to take short, sharp breaths, which is the opposite of what we should be doing. Instead, you should take long, deep breaths and breathe through your contractions to release endorphins and help to naturally reduce pain. The better you are at this, the easier it will be to manage your pain during birth, so you should practice beforehand. Regular breathing practicewill help you get used to the technique and improve the results.
Perineal Massage
To prepare your perineum for the stretching process during vaginal birth, many practitioners advocate perineal massage. You can start doing this in your last trimester. Always be gentle with yourself and stop if it is painful. There are oils you can use, but you’re best off not using anything fragranced or any creams that will upset the pH balance of your vagina. A simple olive oil will suffice. I found doing it in the bath helped. Here’s a how to for perineal massage by the NCT. Raspberry leaf tea can also help prevent tears and tone the uterus.
You can never be fully prepared for giving birth, especially if it’s the first time, but these methods will help you get your body ready as much as you can.
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